Elica Goes to Shanghai Disneyland

The most exciting part of my trip to Shanghai is going to Disneyland. I am not a huge fan of Disney, to be honest. I thought Disneyland was only for kids and I want to prove myself wrong.
October 23rd is the day! This is probably the happiest MONDAY ever! (hahaha) I finally got out of bed around 6:30 in the morning to start getting ready for the day ahead. I opened the curtains and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw a perfect morning with clear blue skies outside – hopefully it would stay like that for the rest of the day. I took a bath and ate my breakfast. We left the hotel at around 8:30 AM.
We finally reached Shanghai Disneyland after one hour of travel and I can't keep calm! It was so beautiful! The magical vibe gave me goosebumps!!!
These pictures were taken in the main entrance of Disneyland.
After going through security, we joined the queue to enter the park. The line was too long but incredibly fast. I don't know the cost of the ticket because our organizer was the one who purchased it, beforehand. If I'm not mistaken, its cost was around Php 3,500 to Php 4,000. Anyway, when you visit Shanghai, it's a must to bring your passport because on the main entrance, the security will get your passport number, enter into their computer, take your photo and your ticket will pop-out of the turnstile. We were inside the Disneyland around 9:30 AM which was the official opening time.
Who says we have to adult everyday?
Shanghai Disneyland opened last year, June 16, 2016. This was under construction for 15 years and is the ultimate magical family park where fantasy meets cutting edge technology and astounding special effects. I am lucky enough to visit this incredible property. I loved it!

The cold never bothered me anyway!

I'm where I meant to be. Will always wear my invisible crown.
Oh my gosh, I'm getting the Disney vibe - the magical feeling, the happiness and the excitement while writing this blog.