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Shanghai (October 2017)

Disclaimer: Don't read if you don't care much for Meteor Garden (Chinese Version)

Binged-watched MG 2018 and nostalgia about Shanghai China hit me thus, I decided to add another post about it. I am writing this at work whilst listening to MG OSTs (I know some of you are rolling thy eyes like "OMG Elica, get a life!")

I've been looking at my albums on Facebook and I can't believe that it's almost a year since I visited the place. It boggles me when I think how much time has gone by. And the more I look at my pictures, the more I realize how incredibly blessed I am. It's crazy really - I can still remember each day like it was yesterday.

I may sound like an awestruck idiot but it amazes me whenever I see some scenes which were taken to the place I visited in Shanghai like The Chinese Pavilion Expo where Daoming Si gave Shancai a piggy back ride, Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center and The Bund.

I must admit, Shanghai was an unexpected love. One of the best parts of traveling is going to a place you absolutely know nothing about and being so, so pleasantly surprised when you discover what it has to offer. I think I would really appreciate it more when I go there right after watching Meteor Garden then I will play its OSTs. (Please bear with me. HAHA!)

I am currently studying Mandarin again (I should have taken this seriously back in college). I don't know what am I trying to achieve but Y.O.L.O! If you're a friend of mine, you know that I am absolutely obsessed and a huge fan of Wang He Di / Dylan Wang/王鹤棣/ Daoming Si, to the point that I will not sleep until I'm done stalking his Weibo account though I don't really understand some Chinese Pinyin. I'm learning lol! I wanna see and meet him personally (Fan girling at its finest). Nothing is impossible! ❤

I wish I can go back. Noooo, I will surely go back to Shanghai !

Okaaay, enough dawdling! Here are the throwback photos.



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