An Open Letter to Kelvin

To Kelvin,
Maybe, you're wondering as to why I'm addressing you in this letter when I can communicate with you through calls and texts and when there's no dearth of instant messaging and video calling apps. Well, it's just that there's so much to share and honestly, I don't think I'd be able to put it across in a mere text or explain all of this over a call.
It's been a week since you left and so many things had changed. No one will make an irritating noise to annoy me. No one will wait for me when I come home late. No one will cook Tuna Carbonara for me. No one will join me when I'm going at the grocery store. No one will interrupt me when I'm doing my skin care routine.No one will teach me the techniques in Mobile Legends. HAHA! No one will be there to listen when I'm having a bad day. No one will tell "Maganda ka na. Wag na magmake-up" :D No one will get mad because I'm wearing shorts and no one will accompany me when I want to visit a particular place (travel buddy). Having this kind of life will never be easy for the both of us but this is the life we chose.
Certain days, things may seem impossible. But there are a few things I want you to know and understand.Despite the miles between us, I will never stop asking "How's your day?" or spontaneously calling you when I know you are having a rough day, and simply sending you a nice text message to brighten your day. :)
Going months without seeing you in person is extremely difficult. But thinking about it further, I know that there will always be someone out there that has it worse than we do. There are women with their partners who see each other less than we do, and somehow they make it through. When I think of that, it makes me feel so small and it reminds me that we are so new to this long-distance thing. Situations like that inspire me and I know that inspires you, too. :P
I may probably see you less than I wish but I know this distance would make our relationship even stronger. I will wait. Collect memories and experiences. Always take good care of yourself.
We’ve made it this far, and even though you're far away, my heart will always be where you are. Until I see you again. Cheers for a successful future ahead of us!
"It takes a strong woman to love a seaman."